Selected Date: 27-09-2024

Welcome To
Gir National Park

Gir National Park is a distinguished wildlife sanctuary, providing a precious sanctuary for the majestic Asiatic lions.



Located in the western Indian state of Gujarat, Gir National Park is a renowned wildlife sanctuary that provides a vital sanctuary for the majestic Asiatic lions, making it one of the limited locations where these impressive creatures can still freely roam. Encompassing a vast 1,400 square kilometers, this protected area highlights the remarkable biodiversity of the region.

With its rugged hills, dense forests, and expansive grasslands, the park's diverse terrain provides an ideal habitat for a plethora of species to thrive. Alongside its iconic lions, Gir National Park accommodates a diverse array of wildlife, such as leopards, hyenas, deer, crocodiles, and a multitude of bird species. It stands as a crucial conservation center and a beloved spot for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

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During the British rule, the Princes of the colonized areas used to invite colonizers for hunting expeditions, leading to a gradual decline in the number of Asiatic lions. The hunting activities resulted in only a dozen or so lions remaining, confined to the Gir Forest. The Nawab of Junagarh, being the owner of the hunting ground, became aware of this and took initiative. He established the Gir National Park, which not only became a refuge for the remaining Asiatic lions but also harbors various other plants and animals.

The Gir Forest National Park holds immense significance due to its biodiversity. To preserve this richness, the government's forest department, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and wildlife activists are actively involved in concerted efforts.

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The Ultimate Dilemma:

Choosing Between a Bus and a Jeep

As per the Gir National Park, the Gir Jungle Trail offers a captivating experience immersed in the natural beauty of the forest accompanied by its soothing sounds. The safari primarily employs Jeeps and Gipsies to navigate through dusty jungle lanes, where the flora and fauna engage in a game of peek-a-boo with the visitors. The timings for Gir Safari Booking have been previously disclosed, and if luck is on your side, you might encounter the majestic Asian lion. However, even without a lion sighting, the journey itself is enthralling.

It's worth noting that SasanGir Safari permits are limited and operate on a first-come, first-served basis, despite the option for pre-booking. To settle the debate, it's recommended to try both safaris and thoroughly explore Gir National Park.

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